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The policy of Tyson Utilities Ltd is to achieve and maintain a high standard of quality in all aspects of its operation and to continually satisfy the expectations of our customers in respect of all the services offered.

Tyson Utilities Ltd aims to ensure that the needs of our customers are clearly understood and met through close liaison at all stages of the work.

All work is conducted to a high professional standard with technical and commercial integrity.

The company is committed to effective Quality Management at every level within the business.

Tyson Utilities Ltd will ensure in providing and maintaining its service to its customers that:

  • the quality policy is upheld and supported by management at all levels;
  • staff responsibilities and duties are clearly identified;
  • staff are appropriately trained to enable them to undertake their tasks and given appropriate authority within the scope of their responsibilities;
  • sufficient resources are provided to facilitate the work;
  • quality plans are applied in the management of all projects;
  • all appropriate documentation is maintained, controlled and archived;
  • periodic audits and reviews of staff and project work are undertaken to ensure that standards are maintained and opportunities for improvements sought.

Ultimate responsibility within the company rests with the Board of Directors; the Quality Manager, as a management representative is responsible for all matters pertaining to the Quality System.
